Depuis 2015, l’importance de l’éducation est de plus en plus reconnue dans le cadre des efforts internationaux pour prévenir l’extrémisme violent. Cependant, il manque des preuves concernant l’efficacité des activités éducatives qui aideraient à prévenir l’extrémisme violent. Comme le souligne Lynn Davies, « quand bien même des initiatives de prévention sont très fréquentes et populaires (par exemple des initiatives cognitivo-comportementales ou des initiatives de parrainage), il n’y a aucune preuve indiquant qu’elles sont vraiment efficaces et porteuses de résultats ».

Ce manque de preuves est lié à de nombreux facteurs, dont la difficulté à évaluer les actions préventives, la complexité des processus de radicalisation et le manque de données et d’études longitudinales. Bien que ces défis ne puissent être résolus facilement, l’UNESCO considère qu’il est essentiel de rechercher les preuves de l’efficacité des activités éducatives visant à prévenir l’extrémisme violent (PEV-E) pour trois raisons :
parce que tous les acteurs travaillant dans le domaine cherchent à entreprendre des programmes qui ont un impact positif ;
parce que les gouvernements et les organismes de financement nationaux et internationaux cherchent à prendre des décisions éclairées sur les priorités en matière de dépenses et ;
parce que tous les acteurs concernés doivent être conscients des risques potentiels liés à des mesures susceptibles de faire plus de mal que de bien aux apprenants, au système éducatif et aux communautés touchées par l’extrémisme violent.
Dans cette optique, la présente note d’orientation essaie de répondre à deux questions :
quels types d’activités de PEV-E paraissent plus efficaces ?
quel est l’impact prouvé des activités de PEV-E ?
À cette fin, l’UNESCO a commandé une étude comparative de 32 études de cas de PEV-E, représentant une sélection d’activités, impliquant différents groupes d’âges, couvrant l’éducation formelle, informelle et non formelle à travers le monde. Cette étude a certaines limites en termes de champ d’application, de typologies d’activités et de disponibilité des données de suivi et d’évaluation. Il s’agit donc d’interpréter les résultats comme des considérations préliminaires qui permettent de débroussailler le terrain. Toutefois, l’analyse montre que les interventions de PEV-E fonctionnent, avec des impacts perceptibles à différents niveaux, en fonction des types d’activités spécifiques.


Pour une direction d’établissement scolaire, lorsqu’il est question d’ancrer son école ou sa pratique dans le 21e siècle, c’est un véritable capharnaüm! Par où commencer? Quelle brique poser en premier?Six clés pour une école ancrée au 21e siècle

Je vous propose six clés à détenir pour faire évoluer sa propre mentalité et, conséquemment, sa pratique professionnelle dans le but d’inspirer celle de ceux qui nous entourent.

Première clé : Implanter un leadership hybride oscillant entre l’authentique et le transformationnel
Le leadership transformationnel met l’accent sur la vision et la mobilisation des équipes qui travaillent à se dépasser dans le bénéfice du projet éducatif de l’école. Bref, ce qui est souhaité de la part du leader, c’est qu’il développe diverses stratégies faisant en sorte que les membres de la communauté scolaire, ce qui inclut autant les parents que les élèves et les enseignants, adhèrent à la mission, au projet éducatif et au plan stratégique de l’école.

Pour sa part, le leadership authentique est davantage en lien avec les attitudes personnelles que le leader révèle aux autres : empathie, honnêteté, accessibilité, confiance, etc. Bref, c’est un leader qui est authentique, qui est lui-même, peu importe la situation dans laquelle il se trouve; il est le même avec les parents, les élèves et les membres du personnel, peu importe la situation. Ses interventions sont cohérentes et tous à quoi s’en tenir. Ce dernier incarne donc les valeurs institutionnelles de l’école.

Par sa personne, son leadership et ses actions quotidiennes, tout est en symbiose avec les valeurs de l’école et c’est notamment par cette symbiose que le leader sait déployer les moyens nécessaires pour mobiliser son équipe-école, au sens large du terme, pour implanter de nouvelles façons de faire dignes du 21e siècle.


Si vous croyez à la mission de l’éducation pour le développement durable, si vous êtes déjà un acteur dans ce domaine, si vous voulez le devenir ou si vous voulez en apprendre davantage sur ces sujets, alors cette plateforme est faite pour vous !

L’espace virtuel a été conçu pour partager et échanger des connaissances, des ressources et des expériences afin de soutenir la réalisation de la cible 7 de l’objectif 4 du développement durable, en particulier en Afrique et dans la Francophonie. Cette cible offre spécifiquement une vision transformatrice de l’éducation en « faisant en sorte que, d’ici à 2030, tous les élèves acquièrent les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour promouvoir le développement durable, notamment par l’éducation en faveur du développement et de modes de vie durables, des droits de l’homme, de l’égalité des sexes, de la promotion d’une culture de paix et de non-violence, de la citoyenneté mondiale et de l’appréciation de la diversité culturelle et de la contribution de la culture au développement durable ».

La transformation individuelle pour agir pour la paix et le développement durable
Afin de promouvoir des sociétés justes, tolérantes, inclusives et durables, des changements fondamentaux doivent avoir lieu au niveau individuel. Des connaissances et des compétences doivent être acquises et développées afin que les individus de tout âge puissent prendre conscience et comprendre les réalités souvent complexes auxquelles ils sont confrontés. C’est ainsi qu’ils pourront devenir des agents de changement et acquérir les valeurs et les attitudes communes nécessaires pour faire face, de manière responsable, efficace et collaborative, aux défis auxquels les sociétés d’aujourd’hui sont confrontées. Le renforcement des capacités des apprenants met en avant le besoin d’investir dans un système éducatif formel, non formel et informel de qualité, inclusif et pertinent. En outre, l’apprentissage cognitif et socio-affectif, ainsi que l’éducation communautaire et à la citoyenneté, dans une perspective d’apprentissage tout au long de la vie, sont d’une importance cruciale pour la réalisation de tous les autres ODD.


When faced with mental health challenges, finding affordable counselling can be a challenging task. However, in Singapore, charities are stepping up to bridge this gap and offer accessible support to those in need. By championing cheap counselling in Singapore, these organizations are not just providing a service but also paving the way for a more inclusive and supportive community. The impact of their initiatives goes beyond financial relief, sparking a conversation on the importance of mental well-being and the role of community support in handling life’s challenges.

cheap counselling in Singapore

The Impact of Affordable Counselling Services

Discover how essential counselling services can be a lifeline for individuals facing mental health challenges in Singapore. These services provide vital support, offering a safe space to express emotions and develop coping strategies. By making counselling accessible and affordable, individuals can receive the help they need to navigate difficult times, improve mental well-being, and ultimately lead more fulfilling lives.

Initiatives by Charitable Organizations

Charitable organizations in Singapore have taken proactive steps to address the need for affordable counselling services by launching various initiatives to support individuals facing mental health challenges. Initiatives include free counselling hotlines, subsidized therapy sessions, and mental health workshops. By providing accessible resources, these organizations aim to empower the community to prioritize mental well-being and seek help when needed. These efforts help bridge the gap in mental health support for those in need.

Community Support and Mental Health

To foster a supportive environment for mental health, engaging with your community can be a valuable resource for building resilience and finding comfort during challenging times. Community support networks offer understanding ears, shared experiences, and a sense of belonging that can alleviate feelings of isolation. By participating in community events, support groups, or online forums, you can strengthen your mental well-being and access a diverse range of perspectives and coping strategies.

Overcoming Financial Barriers to Counseling

Overcoming financial obstacles to accessing counseling services can be a challenging task for many individuals seeking mental health support. However, there are resources available to help. Some charities offer sliding-scale fees based on income, making counseling more affordable. Additionally, government subsidies and community mental health programs can provide financial assistance. Don’t hesitate to reach out and explore these options to guarantee you can access the support you need.


When exploring through the array of college elective courses available, you might be surprised by the hidden gems waiting to be unearthed. These courses can offer unique perspectives, skills, and experiences that might not be apparent at first glance. As you consider your academic journey, keep in mind that sometimes the most unexpected courses can lead to the most rewarding discoveries. So, don’t dismiss those lesser-known options too quickly; you never know what valuable insights and opportunities could be lying just beneath the surface.

Benefits of Exploring Elective Courses

When you take the time to explore elective courses in college at, you open doors to new opportunities and expand your knowledge beyond your major requirements. Elective courses can help you discover new interests, develop valuable skills, and broaden your perspective. By diversifying your academic experience, you enhance your problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills, preparing yourself for a successful and well-rounded future.

Strategies for Choosing Electives

To make informed choices when selecting elective courses, consider aligning your interests with potential career paths and exploring diverse subjects that complement your academic goals. Research course descriptions, talk to advisors, and seek recommendations from peers. Balance your schedule by mixing challenging courses with those that spark your curiosity. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new; you might discover a passion you never knew existed.

Unconventional Elective Course Recommendations

Consider exploring elective courses that challenge your perspectives and push the boundaries of traditional academic subjects to uncover hidden gems that can enrich your college experience. Look for unique offerings like “The Science of Happiness,” “History of Food,” or “Artificial Intelligence in Pop Culture.” These unconventional courses can provide a fresh outlook, spark creativity, and broaden your understanding of the world around you.

How Elective Courses Can Shape Your Future

Exploring diverse elective courses not only broadens your horizons but also plays a significant role in shaping your future career path and personal development. By delving into subjects outside your major, you can discover new passions, develop essential skills, and gain a well-rounded perspective that can set you apart in the competitive job market. Elective courses offer unique opportunities for growth and exploration that can profoundly impact your future endeavors.


You’ve seen them bustling around warehouses, effortlessly lifting heavy loads and streamlining operations. But did you know that the forklift industry in Singapore is experiencing rapid growth? The demand for forklifts is skyrocketing, driven by the expanding e-commerce sector and a surge in technological advancements. In this article, we’ll delve into the factors behind this growth and explore the impact it has on the logistics sector. Get ready to uncover the data-driven insights that shed light on the thriving forklift industry in Singapore.

Linde forklift

Increasing Demand for Forklifts

In recent years, you’ve seen a significant rise in the demand for forklifts in Singapore. This increase in demand can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, Singapore’s thriving logistics and warehousing industry has fueled the need for efficient material handling equipment. Forklifts, being versatile and capable of lifting heavy loads, have become an indispensable tool in these industries. Secondly, the growth of e-commerce and online shopping has led to an exponential increase in the volume of goods being transported and stored. Forklifts play a crucial role in ensuring smooth operations and timely delivery of goods. Lastly, the government’s emphasis on enhancing productivity and efficiency in various sectors has prompted businesses to invest in forklifts as a means of streamlining their operations and reducing manual labor. As a result, the demand for forklifts is expected to continue its upward trajectory in the coming years.

Technological Advancements in Forklifts

Experience the evolution of forklift technology in Singapore as advanced features and capabilities revolutionize material handling operations. Technological advancements in forklifts have significantly improved efficiency, productivity, and safety in the industry. One key advancement is the integration of sensors and cameras, enabling forklift operators to have a better view of their surroundings and avoid accidents. Additionally, the development of electric forklifts has gained traction, offering benefits such as reduced noise levels and zero emissions, while also being cost-effective in the long run. Furthermore, the use of automation and artificial intelligence has allowed forklifts to operate autonomously, optimizing workflow and reducing human error. These advancements have not only increased the efficiency of material handling operations but have also contributed to a safer and more sustainable working environment in Singapore’s forklift industry.

Growing E-commerce Industry in Singapore

With the growing e-commerce industry in Singapore, you can expect an increased demand for forklifts to efficiently handle and transport goods. The rise in online shopping has led to a surge in warehouse operations and logistics activities. According to a report by Statista, the e-commerce market in Singapore is projected to reach a value of US$5.4 billion by 2025. This rapid growth is driven by factors such as increasing internet penetration, rising smartphone usage, and changing consumer preferences. As more businesses shift towards online platforms, the need for efficient material handling equipment like forklifts becomes crucial. Forklifts play a vital role in streamlining operations, reducing manual labor, and ensuring fast and accurate order fulfillment. Consequently, the forklift industry in Singapore is expected to expand significantly in response to the booming e-commerce sector.

Impact on the Logistics Sector

You will experience a significant impact on the logistics sector due to the growth of the forklift industry in Singapore. This growth has led to several positive changes in the logistics sector, improving efficiency and productivity. With the increasing demand for forklifts in warehouses and distribution centers, companies can now handle larger volumes of goods and materials more effectively. Forklifts are essential for loading and unloading trucks, stacking and organizing products, and transporting heavy items. By incorporating forklifts into their operations, logistics companies can streamline their processes, reduce manual labor, and minimize the risk of accidents and injuries. This growth in the forklift industry has also created job opportunities, as more workers are needed to operate and maintain these machines. Overall, the growth of the forklift industry has revolutionized the logistics sector in Singapore, making it more efficient, productive, and safe.


Imagine you’re starting a new business or launching a website. One of the first things you’ll need to do is choose a domain name. But how do you make the right choice? In this article, we’ll explore the factors you should consider when you purchase web domain. From brand relevance to SEO impact, we’ll guide you through the decision-making process. So let’s dive in and ensure your domain name sets you up for success.

Brand Relevance

When purchasing a domain name, it’s crucial to ensure that it’s relevant to your brand. Your domain name is essentially your online identity, so it needs to accurately reflect your brand and what you offer. A relevant domain name helps potential customers understand what your website is about right from the start. It creates a strong first impression and helps establish credibility. Additionally, a domain name that aligns with your brand makes it easier for people to remember and find your website. It also improves your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, as search engines tend to rank websites higher in search results if their domain name is relevant to the search query. So, when selecting a domain name, prioritize brand relevance to maximize your online presence and attract the right audience.


To ensure the memorability of your domain name, choose one that stands out and is easy for users to remember. A memorable domain name is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors to your website. When selecting a domain name, opt for something that is unique, catchy, and reflects your brand or business. Avoid using complex or lengthy words that may be difficult to spell or remember. Instead, aim for simplicity and clarity. Shorter domain names tend to be more memorable, so try to keep it concise. Additionally, consider using keywords that are relevant to your industry or niche, as this can help users easily associate your website with the products or services you offer. Remember, a memorable domain name can leave a lasting impression on your visitors and increase the chances of them returning in the future.

SEO Impact

Consider the SEO impact of your domain name to ensure optimal visibility and search engine rankings for your website. Your domain name plays a crucial role in determining how search engines perceive and rank your website. It is important to purchase a domain name that is relevant to your website’s content and target keywords. Including keywords in your domain name can help improve your website’s chances of ranking higher in search engine results. Additionally, a relevant and keyword-rich domain name can also attract more organic traffic to your website. Avoid using hyphens or numbers in your domain name as they can make it harder for users to remember and type in correctly. Remember, a well-optimized domain name is an essential component of a successful SEO strategy.

Domain Extension

The domain extension you choose for your website can have a significant impact on its overall branding and credibility. When selecting a domain extension, it is important to consider its relevance to your industry or niche. For example, if you are running a business website, a .com domain extension is often preferred as it is widely recognized and trusted by internet users. On the other hand, if you are targeting a specific country or region, using a country-specific domain extension such as or .ca can help establish a local presence and build trust among your target audience. Additionally, some domain extensions, such as .org or .edu, are associated with specific types of organizations and can enhance the credibility and trustworthiness of your website. Ultimately, choose a domain extension that aligns with your brand and helps convey your message effectively.